6 Driver Training Solutions Your Insurance Provider Wants

6 Driver Training Solutions Your Insurance Provider Wants

Are Your Training Solutions Working for You?

When it comes time to evaluate your insurability each year, there is one question insurance companies are asking. What training solutions are you implementing right now to change your exposure to accidents?

If you want an insurance company to insure you, and if you want your company to be profitable, you must decrease losses. The only way to make this happen is to change driver performance. Your only able to change driver performance if you hold them accountable and maintain regular training.

Lessons from an Insurance Risk Manager

The essential insights shared by a risk manager from an insurance company, focusing on the impact of Infinit-I Workforce Solutions in theInfinit-I Training Management System for Trucking Catalog trucking industry. Infinit-I is an online training management system that offers various training solutions to trucking companies, resulting in substantial improvements in safety, compliance, and overall efficiency.

The risk manager references, The Role of Safety Culture in Preventing Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes and mentions how safety culture in commercial motor vehicle operations is crucial, with key concepts including clear communication, recognition for safe behavior, and effective safety training. Safety culture is positively influenced by top-to-bottom communication, internal cooperation, and clear safety responsibilities. This study encompassed surveys, interviews of motor carrier safety managers and commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, and case study data collected directly from motor carriers. The risk manager says “the word “training” was mentioned 101 times in this study which highlights the sheer importance which can reduce accidents and help improve over all insurance costs.

Key concepts identified in the study include:

  • A clear connection exists between culture and safety.
  • Safety culture is best defined by an organization’s norms, attitudes, values, and beliefs regarding safety.
  • Effective top to bottom safety communication enhances safety culture.
  • Recognition and certain rewards systems for safe behavior are effective components of safety culture.
  • Driver experience enhances a safety culture, especially if that experience is with one carrier.
  • Policies, procedures, employee safety responsibilities, and safety messages must be clear and simple.

The research found safety managers value top to bottom communications and internal cooperation within an organization, favoring a culture of positive motivation over fear. Drivers value independence, recognizing that a high level of safety responsibility rests with them.

Simultaneously, insurance companies are shifting their focus to the implementation of training solutions. The question of the hour is, “What training solutions are you implementing right now to change your exposure to accidents?” This shift places an emphasis on changing driver performance through accountability and regular training.

The risk manager presented six key reasons why trucking companies should leverage training solutions. Each reason clearly illustrates the tangible benefits a company can gain from implementing Infinit-I’s system:

  1. Updated Knowledge on Rules and Regulations: Infinit-I helps keep drivers informed about the latest rules and regulations. This ongoing knowledge update is crucial in an industry where laws and standards are constantly evolving.
  2. Maximized On-Road Time: Infinit-I’s training solutions enable drivers to stay on the road, contributing to the company’s revenue. This is possible because the training can be completed anytime and anywhere, without causing any significant disruptions to the driver’s schedule.
  3. Behavioral Trend Analysis: The system can identify negative fleet behavior trends, allowing the company to take corrective measures and reverse these trends. This proactive approach to safety can prevent accidents and reduce liabilities.
  4. Continuous Training: Infinit-I provides a platform for ongoing training. This continuous learning environment helps maintain high standards of safety and efficiency among all drivers.
  5. Risk and Exposure Reduction: Through comprehensive training, Infinit-I’s system can reduce the risk and exposure associated with drivers, leading to improved insurance premiums over time.
  6. Litigation Defense: Lastly, the training solutions make both drivers and companies more defendable from litigation. By demonstrating a commitment to safety and compliance through regular training, companies can strengthen their position in case of legal disputes.
6 Driver Training Solutions Insurance Wants

1. Keep Drivers Up to Date on New Rules and Regulations

The importance of staying updated with the latest rules and regulations for drivers, especially considering the frequent changes at both federal and state levels. To tackle this issue, the text proposes a transition from traditional training methods, such as DVDs, towards more modern and efficient training solutions.

Traditional DVD training methods are problematic for two main reasons:

  1. They are costly, particularly when the need arises to update the training content due to regulatory changes.
  2. They tend to be lengthy and dull, leading to an unengaged audience and potentially less effective training.

The Infinit-I online training management system is proposed as a superior alternative to DVD training. This system provides several noteworthy benefits:

  • Cost-effectiveness: The system has short, up-to-date training videos, reducing the costs associated with keeping up with regulatory changes. It also eliminates physical production and distribution costs associated with DVDs.
  • Engaging content: Unlike long, uninteresting DVD materials, Infinit-I’s content is designed to hold the learner’s attention, therefore, enhancing the effectiveness of the training.
  • Timeliness: Infinit-I’s system can quickly adapt to changes in rules and regulations, ensuring drivers are always equipped with the most current information.

For companies seeking effective, engaging, and timely training solutions, the Infinit-I online training management system offers a compelling alternative to traditional DVD-based training. This shift not only saves costs but also ensures that drivers are always updated with the latest rules and regulations.

2. Keep Drivers on the Road Making Money

Infinit-I Workforce Solution is revolutionizing the way companies train their drivers. The online training platform has been designed with the specific needs of drivers in mind, allowing them to access training content from the comfort of their own devices. This means that drivers can undertake training without having to disrupt their schedules, allowing them to stay on the road and continue earning.

Key features of Infinit-I’s online training platform include:

  1. Flexibility: The online format means that training can be accessed at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for drivers, who often have unpredictable schedules.
  2. Efficiency: Traditional in-person training often requires significant time and financial investment, as all drivers have to be brought into a central location. With Infinit-I’s online training, this is no longer necessary, resulting in significant cost savings.
  3. Effectiveness: Each training video is followed by a quiz, ensuring that drivers have fully understood the material presented. This helps to reinforce learning and ensures that training is effective.
  4. Driver-Friendly: The platform recognizes that few drivers want to spend hours in a training room. Consequently, the online format is designed to be engaging, interactive, and easy to navigate.

Infinit-I Workforce Solution’s online training platform offers a comprehensive suite of training solutions for drivers. The platform’s flexibility, efficiency, and effectiveness make it an excellent choice for companies looking to enhance their training programs, save money, and keep their drivers on the road.

4. Provide Ongoing Training

The necessity for providing continuous training to truck drivers. Similar to the extensive training a new driver undergoes, a professional truck driver must also receive regular training to ensure safety standards are consistently met. This training should cover all aspects of truck driving, such as defensive driving skills and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations.

The aim is to make safety a top priority for every driver. By reinforcing these safety measures on an ongoing basis, drivers are encouraged to always be mindful of them. This approach to safety can significantly improve their driving skills, thus reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Infinit-I Workforce is a platform that offers training solutions catering to this need. The system hosts over 850 videos covering a wide spectrum of safe driving topics. The extensive range of content available makes it an excellent resource for conducting regular training sessions.

Key points to note about the Infinit-I Workforce system:

  1. The system offers a comprehensive library of videos on safe driving topics.
  2. It’s designed to provide ongoing training to truck drivers.
  3. The training topics cover defensive driving skills and FMCSA rules and regulations.
  4. The platform facilitates weekly or monthly training sessions, offering flexibility in scheduling.
  5. Infinit-I is focused on promoting safety as a top priority for all drivers.

The text emphasizes the importance of ongoing training for professional truck drivers. It underscores the role of regular training in ensuring drivers are always mindful of safety measures. Infinit-I Workforce, with its wide range of video resources, offers effective training solutions to meet this need. By enabling regular training sessions, the platform plays a crucial role in promoting road safety.

5. Reduce Risks & Exposure to Improve Insurance Premiums Over Time

The significance of driver training solutions and their impact on insurance premiums. It highlights the direct correlation between the quality and emphasis of a company’s driver training program and the cost of its insurance premiums.

Specifically, the text suggests that a company with a high occurrence of accidents, particularly those that lack measures to address the behaviors resulting in these accidents, will experience a continuous growth in their insurance premiums. This is because insurance companies perceive such companies as high risk, and hence, charge higher premiums to compensate for the potential payouts in the event of accidents.

To counter this and reduce insurance premiums, companies are advised to invest in training solutions, particularly those that target the behaviors leading to accidents. One such solution that is worth considering is Infinit-I’s online training management system. This system is designed to provide comprehensive training to drivers, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to avoid accidents.

Key features of Infinit-I’s online training management system include:

  1. Comprehensive Training Modules: The system provides a range of training modules covering everything from road safety rules to advanced driving techniques. This ensures that drivers are well-equipped to handle any situation they might encounter on the road.
  2. Behavior-focused Training: The training modules are designed not just to teach driving skills, but also to address the underlying behaviors that often lead to accidents. This includes things like reckless driving, speeding, and driving under the influence.
  3. Easy Access: As an online system, the training can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This makes it convenient for drivers, allowing them to complete the training at their own pace.
  4. Constant Updates: The training content is regularly updated to reflect changes in road safety rules and regulations. This ensures that drivers are always up to date with the latest information.
  5. Detailed Reporting: The system provides detailed reports on each driver’s progress and performance. This allows companies to identify drivers who may need additional training or intervention.

By implementing such a robust training system, companies can significantly reduce the frequency of accidents. This, in turn, can lead to lower insurance premiums, as the company is perceived as less of a risk by insurance companies. Furthermore, it also enhances the company’s reputation as a responsible and safety-conscious organization.

Investing in driver training solutions like Infinit-I’s online training management system can provide significant benefits for companies, including reduced insurance premiums and improved road safety. It is a worthwhile investment that can lead to substantial long-term savings.

Mark Sorine, Vice President of Safety at Quality Distribution appreciates the help Infinit-I Workforce Solutions has provided in reducing premiums…

“On renewal cycles, we have to do a presentation to our insurance carrier. Infinit-I is part of the presentation.

They haven’t provided us any type of discount per se for utilizing the system. But it has been a factor where we’ve seen premium reductions in the last three years based on performance. I have to think this product has something to do with that.”

6. Improve Truck Drivers and Companies Threatened by Litigation

The critical role of training solutions in promoting safety, ensuring legal compliance, and providing a robust defense in litigation for truck drivers and companies. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of online training systems, such as the one offered by Infinit-I, which serve a multitude of purposes. The key points are as follows:

  1. Safety Enhancement: Training solutions, particularly online ones, are instrumental in promoting safety among drivers. They provide regular, current training that equips drivers with necessary skills and knowledge for safe driving. This contributes to the safety of the driver and the public, and minimizes the risk of accidents.
  2. Legal Compliance: Training solutions ensure compliance with legal and industry regulations. They offer comprehensive training on these requirements, helping drivers and companies avoid penalties associated with non-compliance.
  3. Litigation Defense: In the face of legal disputes, companies that have shown a commitment to safety and compliance through regular training are in a stronger position. They can use their proactive approach to training as evidence of their commitment to safety, potentially mitigating legal consequences.
  4. Convenience and Flexibility: Online training solutions offer unmatched convenience. They allow drivers to access training materials anytime, anywhere, fitting training into their busy schedules. This increases the likelihood of drivers completing their training, leading to a safer and more knowledgeable workforce.

Online training solutions like the one provided by Infinit-I are a versatile tool that benefits both drivers and companies. They enhance safety, ensure compliance with legal requirements, provide a robust defense in litigation, and offer a flexible and convenient learning mode. Companies seeking to boost safety and compliance should consider implementing these training solutions if they haven’t already done so.

An Easy Solution to Your Training and Insurance Needs

The Infinit-I Workforce Solution is a premier training solutions platform designed to better equip truck drivers for safer driving. This has been a part of the industry since 2007 and has already assisted a multitude of trucking companies in enhancing their drivers’ skills.

Key points to consider about the Infinit-I Workforce Solution are:

  1. Ease of Implementation: Adopting the Infinit-I Workforce Solution into your existing training program is straightforward and stress-free.
  2. Proven Success: Thousands of trucking companies have already witnessed improvements in their drivers’ safety, thanks to this platform.
  3. Insurance Benefits: With safer drivers, companies have found themselves in a better position during the insurance renewal process.
  4. Effective Training: The training provided by this system is designed to be memorable, ensuring that your drivers will remember and apply the lessons they’ve learned.
  5. Empowering Drivers: One of the primary goals of the Infinit-I Workforce Solution is to empower drivers, giving them the tools they need to be safer on the road.

The Infinit-I Workforce Solution is a comprehensive training solutions platform that not only improves driver safety but also enhances a company’s presentability for insurance renewals. It provides an easy-to-implement, effective, and empowering training solution for trucking companies.

To learn more about how the Infinit-I Workforce Solution can benefit your drivers and your company, scheduling a demo is recommended. This will provide a closer look at the platform and its features, demonstrating how it can be an integral part of your training program.

The Infinit-I Workforce Solution is a well-established and easy-to-implement training solutions platform that boosts driver safety and enhances a company’s position during insurance renewals. It is an excellent investment for any trucking company looking to improve their training program and driver safety.


Training solutions can help improve safety, compliance, and efficiency. They can enhance driver performance, reduce accident rates, and decrease losses, thereby improving the company’s profitability and insurability.

It provides up-to-date training on rules and regulations, enables behavioral trend analysis, offers continuous training, and reduces risks and exposure, thereby improving safety.

By providing ongoing, up-to-date training that addresses unsafe behaviors and reinforces safe driving techniques, training solutions can significantly reduce the frequency of accidents.

Yes, companies that implement robust training solutions and demonstrate a commitment to safety can often secure lower insurance premiums.

Online safety training offers flexibility, allowing drivers to access training anytime, anywhere. It ensures that drivers are always up-to-date with the latest safety rules and regulations.

By reducing accident rates, improving safety, and lowering insurance premiums, a training management system can significantly improve a company’s return on investment.

Companies that demonstrate a commitment to safety and compliance through regular training can use this as evidence in case of legal disputes, making them more defendable.

Yes, Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, for example, keeps drivers informed about the latest rules and regulations through its updated training videos.

Infinit-I’s training solutions enable drivers to stay on the road as the training can be completed anytime and anywhere, without causing any significant disruptions to the driver’s schedule.

The system can track driver behaviors and identify negative trends, allowing the company to take corrective measures and reverse these trends.

Through comprehensive training, online systems can reduce the risk and exposure associated with drivers, leading to improved insurance premiums over time.

Continuous training reinforces safety measures on an ongoing basis, encouraging drivers to always be mindful of them. This can significantly improve their driving skills and reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Online solutions like Infinit-I’s system are more cost-effective, engaging, and timely. They can quickly adapt to changes in rules and regulations, ensuring drivers have the most current information.

Infinit-I Workforce Solution offers a comprehensive suite of training solutions focusing on safety rules, advanced driving techniques, and behaviors that often lead to accidents.

With safer drivers as a result of effective training, companies find themselves in a better position during the insurance renewal process, often securing lower premiums.

Infinit-I Workforce Solution is designed for easy implementation into existing training programs, making the transition straightforward and stress-free.