6 Internal Ways to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace

6 Internal Ways to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace

6 Ways to Prevent Harassment

Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation are pressing issues in the workplace. Implementing strategies to deter these problems is not onlyInfinit-I Training Management System for Business & Human Resources Catalog beneficial for fostering a healthy working environment, but it is also crucial for legal protection. One of the most effective strategies of prevention is training, especially when it is well-documented, as it can be invaluable when faced with litigation or discrimination charges.

Infinit-I Workforce System offers a solution that makes it easy to distribute policies and ongoing refresher training on these topics. This comprehensive training management system allows the assignment of policies and training modules on harassment and discrimination, subtly reminding employees of the company’s stand against these issues.

In conjunction with training, it’s crucial for a company to promote an open-door policy, encouraging employees to report incidents of harassment and discrimination. The prompt and effective handling of such reports is vital, emphasizing the need for staff to be adequately trained on managing these situations. Despite the busyness and multitude of tasks at hand, it is of utmost importance to lend an ear to an employee raising an issue, addressing it promptly and effectively.

Outlined below are six Internal Remedies to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace:

  1. Understanding and Promoting Your Anti-Harassment Handbook Policy: Make sure all employees comprehend the policy handbook and its implications. Promote the policy regularly to keep it fresh in employees’ minds.
  2. Training: This is the first and most crucial step. It serves as an effective deterrent to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Training should be comprehensive, covering all aspects of workplace behavior and the consequences of non-compliance.
  3. Distribute Sexual Harassment Information to All Employees: Ensure every employee, regardless of their role or level, has access to information about sexual harassment and the company’s stand against it.
  4. Encourage Reporting: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any incidents of harassment. This involves ensuring the anonymity and protection of those who come forward.
  5. Respond Effectively: When a report is filed, respond promptly and effectively. The handling of the situation should be respectful and comprehensive.
  6. Partner with HR: Human Resources should always be involved in managing these situations. Their expertise is crucial in ensuring the correct procedures are followed.

The Infinit-I Workforce System is an excellent tool for implementing these ways to prevent harassment. It allows for the easy assignment and distribution of policies and training, ensuring that all employees are consistently reminded of the company’s stand against harassment and discrimination. By combining an effective training program with an open-door policy and encouraging reporting, companies can create a safe and respectful environment for all employees.

1. Establish a Employee Policy Handbook to Help Prevent Harassment

Understanding and promoting an employee policy handbook in the workplace is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment. This involves not just the creation of the policy handbook, but also its comprehensive communication to all employees and consistent reinforcement over time.

An effective employee policy handbook should clearly define what constitutes harassment, provide examples of inappropriate behavior, specify the procedures for reporting incidents and many additional areas that helps guide all successful companies. It should also outline the consequences for violations and emphasize the company’s commitment to enforcing the policy. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Employee Policy Handbook: The policy should be compiled into a comprehensive and accessible handbook. This handbook should containEmployee Policy Handbook all  information related to the anti-harassment policy, including definitions, examples, reporting procedures, consequences, and the company’s commitment to enforcement. Download the free template that can help guide your companies handbooks development.
  2. Definition of Harassment: The policy should provide a clear and comprehensive definition of harassment. This includes both physical harassment, such as unwanted touching, and psychological harassment, such as derogatory comments or jokes. It should also cover both acute incidents and more subtle, enduring patterns of behavior.
  3. Examples of Harassment: The policy should provide concrete examples of behavior that is considered harassment. This helps employees understand the policy more clearly and reinforces the seriousness of the issue.
  4. Reporting Procedures: The policy should detail the procedures for reporting harassment. This includes who to report to, what information to include, and assurances of confidentiality.
  5. Consequences of Violation: The policy should specify the potential consequences for violating the anti-harassment policy. This could range from warnings and retraining to termination of employment in severe cases.
  6. Commitment to Enforcement: The policy should emphasize the company’s commitment to enforcing the anti-harassment policy. This shows employees that the company takes the issue seriously and is proactive in ensuring a safe workplace environment.

Promoting the policy regularly is crucial in keeping it fresh in employees’ minds. Regular promotion can be done through multiple channels, including team meetings, company newsletters, and regular training sessions. Here are some effective ways to prevent harassment:

  • Regular Training: Conduct regular workshops or training sessions on the anti-harassment policy. This reinforces the policy and its implications and serves as a reminder of the company’s commitment to preventing harassment.
  • Open Communication: Encourage open communication about harassment and provide safe channels for employees to report incidents. This promotes transparency and trust.
  • Lead by Example: Management should lead by example in promoting and adhering to the anti-harassment policy. This sets a positive tone and shows employees that the policy is taken seriously at all levels of the organization.

Infinit-I’s online safety training management system is an effective tool for promoting your anti-harassment policy. The system provides an easily accessible platform for training employees on the policy, tracking their progress, and documenting their understanding and commitment. By utilizing such a system, you can ensure that all employees are well-informed about the policy and its implications, thus fostering a safe and respectful workplace environment.

2. Prevent Harassment in the Workplace with Training

Training is the most critical internal remedy to prevent harassment in the workplace. It serves as a powerful deterrent to harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. Effective training doesn’t just provide information—it changes behavior. Here are the key points to consider when implementing a comprehensive training program:

  • Understanding the problem: The first step in training is to ensure that all employees understand what constitutes harassment. This includes verbal, non-verbal, and physical harassment. It’s also essential to explain the legal implications of harassment.
  • Creating a safe environment: Training should encourage employees to speak up if they experience or witness harassment. A culture of silence only perpetuates the problem. It’s crucial to reassure employees that the company will take their complaints seriously and that they won’t face retaliation for reporting harassment.
  • Teaching employees how to respond: Employees should know what to do if they experience or witness harassment. This includes whom to report it to, how to document incidents, and what to expect from the investigation process.
  • Consequences of non-compliance: The training should make it clear that harassment won’t be tolerated, and it should outline the potential consequences of engaging in such behavior. These could range from disciplinary action to termination.
  • Regular updates: Laws and regulations regarding workplace harassment evolve, so training should be updated regularly to reflect these changes.

When it comes to implementing training, Infinit-I’s online safety training management system is a valuable tool. Here are a few ways it can support your training program:

  1. Customizable content: Infinit-I’s system allows you to tailor your training materials to your specific industry and workplace. This ensures that your training is relevant and engaging for your employees.
  2. Flexible scheduling: The system lets employees complete training at their own pace, which can increase engagement and retention of the material.
  3. Tracking and reporting: Infinit-I’s system tracks each employee’s progress through the training. This makes it easy to see who has completed the training and who hasn’t, allowing you to ensure compliance across your organization.

Training is one of the most effective ways to prevent harassment in the workplace. Infinit-I’s online safety training management system can help make your training program more effective, ensuring that your workplace is a safe and respectful environment for all employees.

3. Distribute Sexual Harassment Information to All Employees

Sexual harassment in the workplace is an issue that our company takes very seriously. We believe that every employee, regardless of their role or level, should have access to clear and comprehensive information about sexual harassment and understand our company’s firm stand against it.

Sexual harassment is an act that violates a person’s rights and creates an uncomfortable and hostile working environment. It can take various forms, including unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.

Our company’s policy against sexual harassment is zero-tolerance. We are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace for all employees. We encourage everyone to report any incidents of sexual harassment without fear of retaliation.

To ensure that every employee is well-informed about sexual harassment, we have partnered with Infinit-I to provide an online safety training management system. This platform offers comprehensive training courses that are designed to educate employees on the different types of sexual harassment, the potential effects on victims, and the company’s policies and procedures for reporting and dealing with such incidents.

Here are some key features of Infinit-I’s online safety training management system:

  1. Easy Access: The system can be accessed from any device, at any time, providing flexibility for our employees.
  2. Interactive Courses: The courses are designed to be engaging and interactive, helping to reinforce the learning points.
  3. Regular Updates: The courses are regularly updated to reflect any changes in laws or regulations.
  4. Track Progress: The system tracks each employee’s progress, ensuring that everyone completes the necessary training.

In addition to the online training, we also provide resources and support for those affected by sexual harassment. We have a dedicated team that handles such cases with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

To further our commitment to preventing sexual harassment, here are some ways to prevent harassment in the workplace:

  • Clear Communication: Make it clear to all employees that sexual harassment is not tolerated.
  • Regular Training: Provide regular training to keep employees informed about what constitutes sexual harassment and how to respond.
  • Open Dialogue: Encourage open dialogue about sexual harassment to remove any stigma around the topic.
  • Supportive Environment: Create a supportive environment where victims feel safe to report incidents.

By distributing this sexual harassment information, we aim to ensure that all our employees are aware of their rights and understand their role in maintaining a respectful and inclusive workplace.

4. Ways to Report Harassment

In any organization, it’s essential to foster an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any incidents of harassment. The first step in preventing harassment is encouraging open communication and ensuring the anonymity and protection of those who come forward. As such, the following are some ways to encourage reporting and prevent harassment in the workplace:

  1. Establish a clear anti-harassment policy: This policy should define what constitutes harassment and clearly state that the organization will not tolerate such behavior. This policy should be communicated to all employees, and all employees should be required to sign off on understanding and agreeing to the policy.
  2. Provide training on harassment prevention: Utilize resources like Infinit-I’s online safety training management system to provide comprehensive training for all employees. This training should cover the definition of harassment and ways to prevent it, how to report it, and the consequences for those found guilty of harassment.
  3. Create multiple reporting channels: Employees should have multiple ways to report harassment. This could include a designated person or department within the organization, an anonymous hotline, or an online reporting system.
  4. Ensure confidentiality: All reports of harassment should be kept confidential to the extent possible. This will help protect the victim and witnesses from retaliation, and will encourage others to come forward.
  5. Take all reports seriously: Every report of harassment should be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Employees need to see that their complaints are taken seriously in order to feel comfortable coming forward.
  6. Follow through with consequences: When a report of harassment is substantiated, it’s critical to follow through with the appropriate consequences. This sends a message that harassment will not be tolerated.

There are many ways to prevent harassment in the workplace. Ensuring open communication and protecting those who come forward are just the first steps. Using resources like Infinit-I’s online safety training management system, establishing clear policies and reporting channels, and taking all reports seriously are additional ways to create a safe and comfortable work environment for all employees.

5. Ways to Respond to Harassment

Responding to reports of harassment promptly and effectively is crucial in maintaining a respectful and safe environment. Proper handling of such situations can prevent further incidents and ensure the well-being of all involved parties. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to respond to harassment:

  1. Download Harassment Investigation Checklist: This 4 page checklist is designed to support investigations into any reportedHarassment Investigation Checklist harassment incidents.
  2. Acknowledge receipt: As soon as a report is received, acknowledge it promptly. This demonstrates to the reporter that their concerns are taken seriously.
  3. Gather information: Collect all relevant details about the incident. This might involve speaking to the reporter, the accused, and any potential witnesses. Ensure that this process is thorough and respectful.
  4. Evaluate the situation: Analyze the information gathered to fully understand the situation. This is essential to ensure a fair and comprehensive response.
  5. Take appropriate action: Depending on the severity and nature of the harassment, take appropriate action. This could range from mediation and conflict resolution to disciplinary measures.
  6. Follow up: After action has been taken, follow up with the reporter to ensure the problem has been resolved. This also sends a message that harassment is not tolerated.

Here are some ways to prevent harassment:

  • Develop a clear anti-harassment policy: This policy should define what constitutes harassment, provide examples, and outline the consequences for violations.
  • Offer training: Regularly conduct training sessions to educate employees about the policy and ways to prevent harassment. Infinit-I’s online safety training management system can be an effective tool for this.
  • Encourage reporting: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting incidents. Make sure they know their reports will be taken seriously and handled respectfully.
  • Regularly review and update policies: Ensure your anti-harassment policy stays relevant and effective by regularly reviewing and updating it.

Remember, responding effectively to harassment is just as important as preventing it. By promptly acknowledging reports, collecting information, evaluating the situation, taking action, and following up, you can create a safer and more respectful environment for everyone.

6 Internal Ways to Prevent Harassment in the Workplace

6. Establish a HR Role

In managing sensitive situations within an organization, the role of the Human Resources (HR) department or person in charge of that role  is invaluable. HR’s expertise ensures that proper procedures are followed, maintaining a healthy work environment and preventing any potential legal issues. This is particularly relevant when it comes to preventing harassment in the workplace.

There are several key roles that an effective HR department should fulfill:

  1. Policy Development: HR is responsible for developing policies that define acceptable behavior in the workplace. This includes detailing the ways to prevent harassment and the consequences of such behavior.
  2. Training: HR should provide regular training sessions to employees about the company’s policies. Infinit-I’s online safety training management system can be a useful tool for this, making it easy to deliver and track compliance with the training.
  3. Complaint Handling: HR must handle any complaints of harassment promptly and fairly. They need to ensure that the complainant is protected from retaliation and that a thorough investigation is conducted.
  4. Conflict Resolution: HR plays a critical role in resolving conflicts between employees. They should be skilled in mediation and negotiation to help maintain a positive work environment.
  5. Promoting a healthy work culture: HR should foster a culture of respect and inclusivity. They should take proactive steps to prevent harassment, such as organizing team-building activities and promoting open communication.

Partnering with HR is crucial in managing workplace issues. Their knowledge and skills are vital in preventing harassment and maintaining a healthy and respectful work environment. Infinit-I’s online safety training management system can support HR in this mission, providing an efficient way to deliver and track necessary training. By leveraging HR’s expertise and the right tools, we can make our workplaces safer and more inclusive.

Implementing a Harassment-Free Work Environment

Preventing harassment in the workplace can be achieved by implementing the following strategies:

  1. Comprehensive Training: Educate employees on workplace behavior and the consequences of non-compliance.
  2. Understanding and Promoting Anti-Harassment Policies: Ensure all employees understand the company’s anti-harassment policies and promote these policies regularly.
  3. Distributing Sexual Harassment Information: Make sure every employee has access to information about sexual harassment and the company’s stand against it.
  4. Encouraging Reporting of Incidents: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting any incidents of harassment.
  5. Responding Effectively to Reports: Take prompt and effective action when a report is filed. The handling of the situation should be respectful and comprehensive.
  6. Partnering with HR: Work closely with Human Resources for policy development, training, complaint handling, conflict resolution, and promoting a healthy work culture.

The Infinit-I Workforce System is a useful tool for implementing these strategies, as it allows for easy distribution of policies and ongoing training, tracking progress, and ensuring compliance.


Key strategies include comprehensive training, understanding and promoting your anti-harassment policy, distributing sexual harassment information to all employees, encouraging reporting, responding effectively to reports, and partnering with HR.

Training educates employees about what constitutes harassment, how to respond to it, and the consequences of non-compliance. It also fosters a safe environment where employees feel comfortable to report incidents.

An effective anti-harassment policy should clearly define what constitutes harassment, provide examples of inappropriate behavior, specify the procedures for reporting incidents, outline the consequences for violations, and emphasize the company’s commitment to enforcing the policy.

Infinit-I’s system allows you to customize your training materials, schedule training flexibly, and track and report employee’s progress. This makes your training program more effective and ensures that your workplace is a safe and respectful environment.

By ensuring every employee, regardless of their role or level, has access to information about sexual harassment, you can create an informed workforce that understands the company’s stand against it.

You should establish a clear anti-harassment policy, provide training on harassment prevention, create multiple reporting channels, ensure confidentiality, take all reports seriously, and follow through with consequences.

Acknowledge receipt promptly, gather all relevant details, evaluate the situation, take appropriate action, and follow up with the reporter to ensure the problem has been resolved.

HR is responsible for policy development, providing training, handling complaints, resolving conflicts, and promoting a healthy work culture.

It allows you to tailor your training materials to your specific industry and workplace, schedule training flexibly, and track each employee’s progress. This ensures that your training is relevant, engaging, and effective.

Laws and regulations regarding workplace harassment evolve, so training should be updated regularly to reflect these changes. This ensures that your organization stays compliant and your employees are always informed.

It provides comprehensive training courses designed to educate employees on various safety topics, including different types of harassment and the company’s policies for reporting such incidents, thus fostering a safer work environment.

The system delivers ongoing refresher training on harassment and discrimination topics, subtly reminding employees of the company’s stand against these issues, and thus contributing to a reduction in such incidents.

By ensuring all employees are consistently trained and reminded of company policies, a training LMS can help create a safer and more productive work environment, reduce the risk of legal issues, and ultimately improve ROI.

Having multiple reporting channels ensures that employees have various ways to report harassment, increasing the likelihood that incidents will be reported and addressed promptly.

An open communication culture encourages employees to speak up about any incidents of harassment, thereby helping to identify and address issues promptly and fostering a safer work environment.

Regular promotion of the policy keeps it fresh in employees’ minds and reinforces the company’s stand against harassment, thereby contributing to its prevention.