Overcoming Employee Training Issues to Ensure Real Growth

Overcoming Employee Training Issues to Ensure Real Growth

Overcoming Employee Training Issues

The available statistics make it clear that developing an employee development and training program is essential for your organization, but youInfinit-I Training Management System for Business & Human Resources Catalog will need to do proper planning to make it effective. This includes overcoming nine common training issues that can hinder employee development.

Over the last couple of years, many people have begun to understand the importance of employee training programs. Studies have been done that show the relationship between employee development and employee retention. For instance, 44% of employees say they have quit a job within the first six months due to poor or non-existing training.

Employee training issues can significantly impact an organization’s effectiveness, retention, and overall success. To develop a robust employee development and training program, it is crucial to plan meticulously and address common challenges. Here are nine prevalent employee training issues and strategies to overcome them:

  1. Information Overload: Employees often face overwhelming amounts of information during training, leading to confusion and decreased retention. To combat this, break down training into manageable segments and use varied formats like videos, workshops, and hands-on activities.
  2. Employee Resistance to New Tools: New technologies and tools can be intimidating, leading to resistance. Engage employees early by explaining the benefits and providing ample support and training sessions to ease the transition.
  3. Ineffective or Irregular Training: Sporadic and poorly structured training programs fail to make an impact. Implement a consistent training schedule with clear objectives and regular assessments to track progress.
  4. Determining Employee Struggles: Identifying specific areas where employees struggle can be challenging. Utilize surveys, feedback forms, and direct communication to pinpoint issues and tailor training accordingly.
  5. Changes Don’t Always Last: Training should result in lasting behavioral changes, but this isn’t always the case. Reinforce training with follow-up sessions, practical applications, and continuous learning opportunities.
  6. Training Costs Money: Budget constraints can limit training opportunities. To manage costs, prioritize essential training modules, seek cost-effective solutions like online courses, and explore government grants or partnerships.
  7. Some Employees Don’t Want to Complete Training: Lack of motivation can hinder training completion. Create engaging and relevant training content, offer incentives, and highlight the personal and professional benefits of the training.
  8. Keeping Training Relevant: Outdated training materials can render programs ineffective. Regularly update content to reflect current industry trends, tools, and practices, ensuring it remains relevant and valuable.
  9. A Disconnection Between Employees and Leadership: Effective training requires alignment between leadership and employees. Foster open communication, involve leadership in training initiatives, and ensure that training goals align with organizational objectives.

By addressing these employee training issues, organizations can enhance their training programs, leading to improved employee retention and recruitment.

Employee Training Issues

1. Information Overload

Often, during the onboarding process, companies can overwhelm a new employee attempting to get them prepared for their new position. There are software programs and other technologies they need to learn. Plus, they must understand their role within the company.

Much of this information overload is due to a desire to complete training as quickly as possible. The problem is this can lead to employees getting frustrated at the level of information they are expected to retain.

An easy fix to this problem is to provide training that is easy to process. Short 5-6-minute videos can help increase comprehension. Doing an online program also makes it easier for employees to move through the orientation training at their own pace so they can ease into a new role.

Comprehensive Expansion

Employee training issues, particularly information overload during onboarding, can significantly hinder the effectiveness of the training process. The primary challenge lies in the vast amount of information new employees are expected to absorb in a short time. This includes learning various software programs, technologies, and understanding their specific role within the company.

Key Points:

  • Information Overload: New hires are often bombarded with too much information too quickly.
  • Frustration and Retention: The sheer volume of information can lead to frustration and difficulty in retaining important details.


  1. Simplified Training: Breaking down training into smaller, manageable segments can help. For example, short 5-6-minute videos can be more effective.
  2. Online Programs: Allowing employees to complete training at their own pace through online programs ensures they can thoroughly understand each aspect without feeling rushed.
  3. Interactive Content: Incorporating interactive elements like quizzes and simulations can make the training process more engaging and easier to comprehend.


  • Short Videos: Companies can create a series of short videos that cover different aspects of the job, making it easier for employees to digest information.
  • Self-Paced Learning: Online orientation programs can allow employees to revisit material as needed, ensuring better retention and understanding.


  • Improved Retention: Employees are more likely to remember and apply what they’ve learned if the information is presented in a digestible format.
  • Reduced Frustration: By pacing the training appropriately, new hires can feel more confident and less overwhelmed.

Addressing employee training issues by focusing on reducing information overload can lead to more effective onboarding and a smoother transition for new employees.

2. Employee Resistance to New Tools

Expanding on the topic of employee resistance to new tools, it’s crucial to address the common employee training issues that arise during such transitions. Resistance is natural because humans are creatures of habit, and any change can be unsettling. Here’s a comprehensive approach to managing this process effectively:

  1. Involvement and Communication:
    • Involve Employees Early: Engage employees from the outset. Explain the reasons for the new tool and how it will benefit them and the organization.
    • Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open. Address concerns and provide a platform for employees to express their apprehensions.
  2. Training Programs:
    • Comprehensive Training: Ensure that comprehensive training programs are in place. Break down the training into manageable modules to make the learning process less overwhelming.
    • Practical Examples: Use practical examples and real-life scenarios during training to illustrate how the new tool will be used in their daily tasks.
  3. Support Systems:
    • Continuous Support: Provide continuous support even after the initial training. This could include one-on-one coaching, online resources, or a helpdesk.
    • Peer Support: Encourage a peer support system where more tech-savvy employees can assist others.
  4. Feedback Mechanism:
    • Constructive Feedback: Create a feedback loop where employees can provide constructive feedback on the new tool and the training process.
    • Iterative Improvements: Use the feedback to make iterative improvements to both the tool and the training process.
  5. Reinforce the Benefits:
    • Highlight Success Stories: Share success stories and quick wins to reinforce the benefits of the new tool.
    • Link to Goals: Show how the new tool aligns with personal and organizational goals.

By implementing these strategies, you can mitigate employee training issues and ensure a smoother transition to new tools. This approach not only eases the learning curve but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability within the organization.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Engage employees early in the process.
  • Provide comprehensive and practical training.
  • Ensure continuous support and create a feedback loop.
  • Highlight the benefits and link them to organizational goals.

Addressing employee training issues effectively will lead to better adoption of new tools, increased productivity, and a more resilient workforce.

3. Ineffective or Irregular Training

Companies don’t always make proper adjustments to meet changing workplace conditions. The rise of remote and from home workers means traditional training methods can be ineffective for parts of your workforce. For traditional workers, these training methods can still frustrate employees as they require disruptions to their workday to complete.

Inconsistent training can also backfire on you. To provide training that will provide value for your employees, you need consistent, frequent, ongoing training that helps them retain and build on the information provided.

Implementing an online training program can deal with ineffective training issues. With an online program, you can help increase employee participation and reduce the frustrating workflow disruptions. An online program will make it easier to develop a year-long training schedule that increases employee productivity.

Expanding on Employee Training Issues

Effective employee training is crucial for maintaining productivity and adapting to changing work environments. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Adjusting to Workplace Changes:
    • The rise of remote work necessitates new training methods.
    • Traditional training can be ineffective and frustrating for both remote and in-office employees due to workflow disruptions.
  2. Consistency in Training:
    • Inconsistent training leads to gaps in knowledge and skills.
    • Regular, ongoing training ensures employees retain and build on their knowledge.
  3. Benefits of Online Training:
    • Increased Participation: Online training is more accessible and flexible, encouraging more employees to participate.
    • Reduced Disruptions: Employees can complete training at their convenience, minimizing interruptions to their workflow.
    • Scalability: Online training programs can be scaled to accommodate a large number of employees without significant additional costs.
  4. Developing a Comprehensive Training Schedule:
    • A structured, year-long training schedule helps in systematically improving employee skills.
    • Online platforms allow for continuous updates and improvements to the training material, ensuring it remains relevant and effective.

Examples of Effective Training Programs

  • Webinars and Online Workshops: Interactive sessions that can be attended live or watched later.
  • E-Learning Modules: Self-paced courses that employees can complete at their own convenience.
  • Virtual Mentorship Programs: Pairing employees with mentors for ongoing guidance and support.

Addressing employee training issues with an online program not only improves the effectiveness of training but also aligns with the modern work environment, ultimately boosting productivity and employee satisfaction.

4. Determining Employee Struggles

Determining and addressing employee training issues is crucial for the success of any employee development and training program. Traditional training methods often fall short in identifying specific struggle areas among employees. Therefore, it’s essential to adopt a more effective approach to ensure employees understand the training and recognize its importance to their job performance.

Key Aspects of Identifying Employee Training Issues

  1. Tracking Progress:
    • Utilizing an online training management platform like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions allows for precise tracking of employee progress.
    • These platforms provide detailed insights into each employee’s performance, helping identify specific areas where they may be struggling.
  2. Personalized Training:
    • Once struggle areas are identified, personalized training can be developed for individuals or entire departments.
    • This tailored approach ensures that training efforts are directly aligned with the needs of the employees, enhancing their understanding and performance.
  3. Importance of Understanding Training:
    • Employees must see the relevance and importance of the training to their roles.
    • When employees understand that the training is designed to address their specific issues, they are more likely to engage and put forth their best effort.

Benefits of Online Training Management Platforms

  • Efficiency:
    • Online platforms streamline the process of tracking and analyzing employee performance.
    • They save time and resources compared to traditional methods.
  • Data-Driven Insights:
    • These platforms provide actionable data that can be used to improve training programs continuously.
    • Managers can quickly pinpoint issues and address them before they escalate.
  • Enhanced Engagement:
    • Personalized training makes employees feel valued, as the training directly addresses their needs.
    • Engaged employees are more likely to retain information and apply it effectively in their roles.

Action Steps

  1. Implement an online training management platform to monitor employee progress.
  2. Regularly analyze data to identify and address employee training issues.
  3. Develop personalized training programs based on the identified struggle areas.
  4. Communicate the importance and relevance of the training to employees to boost engagement.

By leveraging tools like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, organizations can effectively determine and address employee training issues, leading to a more skilled and efficient workforce.

5. Changes Don’t Always Last

After completing employee development and training materials, employees are often ready and excited to implement changes. That enthusiasm can wane as time goes on though. This is partly because information retention will decrease over time.

The most effective training is consistent, ongoing training. Providing options that allow them to continue and grow on previous training will give employees the most value from a development program.

Employee training issues can manifest in several ways, and addressing them effectively requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Information Retention:
    • Employees may initially retain the information presented during training sessions, but without reinforcement, this knowledge can fade.
    • Regular refresher courses and review sessions can help mitigate this issue, ensuring that employees retain critical skills and knowledge.
  2. Maintaining Enthusiasm:
    • The excitement and motivation that employees feel post-training can diminish over time. This decline in enthusiasm can impact their willingness to implement new practices.
    • To counter this, organizations can recognize and reward employees who successfully apply their training in the workplace. This not only maintains motivation but also reinforces the importance of the training.
  3. Consistent and Ongoing Training:
    • One-time training sessions are not sufficient. Consistent, ongoing training programs are essential to keep employees engaged and up-to-date with the latest industry standards and company practices.
    • For example, implementing a structured continuous learning program that includes monthly training modules can keep employees engaged and ensure they are always improving their skills.
  4. Practical Application:
    • Training should not be limited to theoretical knowledge. Practical, hands-on training sessions can help employees better understand and retain the material.
    • Role-playing scenarios, simulations, and on-the-job training are effective methods to reinforce learning.
  5. Feedback and Adaptation:
    • Collecting feedback from employees about the training programs can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. This feedback should be used to adapt and improve future training sessions.
    • Encourage an open dialogue where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts on the training process and its effectiveness.

Addressing employee training issues requires a multi-faceted approach. By focusing on consistent, ongoing training, maintaining enthusiasm, ensuring practical application, and adapting based on feedback, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their development programs. This comprehensive strategy will help employees retain information, stay motivated, and continuously improve their skills, ultimately benefiting both the employees and the organization.

6. Training Costs Money

Many employers are reluctant to implement ongoing training because of the cost. This cost includes training materials as well as time spent to complete the training. While this can seem like an unnecessary cost, it’s important to spend money on developing a training program.

The cost of mistakes or loss of customers due to poor employee behaviors outweighs the cost of training. You can reduce the employee development and training costs with an online training option that allows employees to take less time from their schedules and requires fewer overhead costs to complete regular training.

Expanding on Employee Training Issues

Employee training issues often stem from the reluctance of employers to invest in continuous training due to perceived high costs. However, failing to address these issues can lead to significant losses.

Key Points:

  1. Perceived High Costs:
    • Training materials
    • Time required for training sessions
  2. Importance of Investment:
    • Prevent costly mistakes
    • Improve employee behavior and performance
  3. Cost-Benefit Analysis:
    • Cost of mistakes and customer loss due to poor training
    • Benefits of a well-trained workforce

Solutions to Employee Training Issues:

  1. Online Training Programs:
    • Reduce scheduling conflicts
    • Lower overhead costs
    • Flexible and accessible learning
  2. Customized Training Plans:
    • Tailored to specific employee needs
    • Focus on areas needing improvement
  3. Utilizing Technology:
    • Interactive and engaging training modules
    • Real-time feedback and assessments
  4. Regular Training Updates:
    • Keep content relevant and current
    • Address new industry trends and practices


  • A customer service department that invests in regular training sees a significant reduction in customer complaints.
  • A sales team that undergoes continuous training performs better, leading to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

The Importance of Employee Training for Organizational Success:

Investing in employee training is crucial despite the upfront costs. Addressing employee training issues by implementing cost-effective solutions like online training can lead to improved performance and reduced long-term costs. By prioritizing training, employers can foster a competent and efficient workforce, ultimately benefiting the organization as a whole.

7. Some Employees Don’t Want to Complete Training

There will always be those people who are unwilling to do what they need to do, or people who want to complain about everything. There is little you can do about this, but if you have a consistent issue with employee participation in training, you’re likely using the wrong training tools or training employees in the wrong areas.

Most employees want to grow and improve. To provide the best training, take the time to listen to your employees about their needs.

Make sure you provide training that is updated and will keep them engaged. Providing short training videos can also help improve employee participation as they won’t spend hours on possibly boring material.


Employee training issues are a common challenge in many organizations. Addressing these issues effectively involves understanding the root causes and implementing strategies to engage employees.

  1. Identify the Root Causes:
    • Some employees may resist training because they find it irrelevant or unengaging.
    • Others may feel overwhelmed by the volume of information or the time required.
  2. Engage Employees:
    • Listen to Employee Needs: Conduct surveys or hold meetings to understand what skills or knowledge employees feel they need to improve.
    • Update Training Materials: Ensure that the training content is current and relevant to the employees’ roles.
    • Use Varied Formats: Incorporate different training methods such as interactive workshops, e-learning modules, and short, engaging videos.
  3. Provide Incentives:
    • Recognize and reward employees who complete training programs successfully.
    • Offer certifications or other tangible benefits that employees can add to their professional portfolios.
  4. Foster a Learning Culture:
    • Encourage managers to support their team members in their training efforts.
    • Create a supportive environment where continuous learning is valued and encouraged.
  5. Track and Measure Effectiveness:
    • Use metrics to track participation rates and the effectiveness of training programs.
    • Gather feedback regularly to identify areas for improvement.


  • A company facing employee training issues revamped their training program by incorporating gamified elements, which increased engagement and participation significantly.
  • Another organization found success by offering flexible, on-demand training sessions that employees could complete at their own pace.

By addressing employee training issues with a strategic approach, organizations can foster a motivated and skilled workforce ready to meet the demands of their roles.

8. Keeping Training Relevant

While there are areas of training you want to provide for all employees, some training is specific to definite roles. Attempting training programs that require employees to sit in on irrelevant training is ineffective and will lose their attention.

Make sure the training provided is relevant to the needs of your employees and your company. Online training is a great way to help you segment training to make sure employees get the training they need without overwhelming them with unnecessary information.

You can also include employees in goal setting for their training needs. Ask them for feedback on what topics would be most helpful. Involve employees in the training process, such as sharing knowledge that would be helpful to others.

Employee training issues can arise when training is not tailored to specific roles. To avoid this, consider the following strategies:

  1. Assess Training Needs:
    • Identify the skills and knowledge required for each role.
    • Conduct surveys or interviews to understand employees’ training needs.
  2. Segment Training Programs:
    • Develop customized training modules for different roles.
    • Use online training platforms to deliver role-specific content.
  3. Engage Employees in Training Development:
    • Involve employees in setting their training goals.
    • Gather feedback on training topics that are most beneficial.
    • Encourage employees to share their expertise and insights.
  4. Implement Flexible Training Methods:
    • Offer a mix of in-person and online training sessions.
    • Provide self-paced learning options to accommodate different learning styles.
  5. Monitor and Evaluate Training Effectiveness:
    • Track participation and completion rates.
    • Assess the impact of training on job performance.
    • Regularly update training content to keep it relevant and effective.

By addressing these employee training issues, companies can ensure that their training programs are both efficient and effective, leading to improved employee performance and satisfaction. Remember, the key is to keep training relevant, engaging, and tailored to the specific needs of your workforce.

9. A Disconnection Between Employees and Leadership

When implementing an employee development and training program, it is crucial to ensure that every person in the organization, from entry-level employees to top leadership, is involved. One of the most common employee training issues is the lack of participation from leadership, which can lead to resentment and disengagement among employees. If leadership does not actively participate in training, employees may feel that the training is unnecessary or undervalued, leading to a lack of motivation and compliance.

Key Points to Address Employee Training Issues:

  1. Inclusive Participation:
    • Ensure that managers and upper leadership are just as involved in the training program as all other employees.
    • Demonstrate that training is a priority for everyone in the organization, not just a requirement for lower-level staff.
  2. Communicate the Importance of Training:
    • Clearly explain the significance of the training program to all employees, emphasizing how it benefits both the individual and the organization.
    • Highlight success stories and positive outcomes from previous training sessions to build enthusiasm and buy-in.
  3. Early Engagement:
    • Get leadership on board early in the process to set a positive example and show commitment.
    • Involve leaders in the planning and development stages of the training program to ensure their needs and perspectives are considered.
  4. Consistent Messaging:
    • Use consistent messaging across all levels of the organization to reinforce the value of training.
    • Provide regular updates and feedback on the progress and impact of the training program.
  5. Practical Examples:
    • Share real-life examples where leadership participation in training has led to improved performance and employee satisfaction.
    • Use case studies and testimonials to illustrate the positive effects of a fully engaged training program.

Benefits of Leadership Involvement in Employee Training:

  • Enhanced Credibility:
    • When leaders participate in training, it adds credibility to the program and encourages employees to take it seriously.
  • Improved Morale:
    • Employees feel more valued and supported when they see that leadership is also investing time in their development.
  • Better Alignment:
    • Aligning training goals with organizational objectives ensures that everyone is working towards the same outcomes.

By addressing these employee training issues and ensuring leadership involvement, organizations can create a more cohesive and effective training program that benefits everyone. This approach not only improves employee engagement and performance but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and development.

Online Learning Management Reduces Training Issues

Implementing an online learning management system (LMS) like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is one of the most effective ways to address employee training issues. Traditional training methods often come with high costs and logistical challenges, but an online LMS offers a more efficient and cost-effective solution. Here’s how:

Key Benefits of an Online LMS

  • Convenience: Employees can access training materials at any time and from any location, making it easier for them to integrate learning into their schedules.
  • Cost-Effective: Online training reduces the need for physical materials, travel, and venue costs, leading to significant savings.
  • Engagement: Interactive and engaging content helps maintain employee interest and improves retention of the training material.
  • Consistency: Ensures that all employees receive the same quality of training, reducing discrepancies and misunderstandings.

Addressing Employee Training Issues

An online LMS can help mitigate several common employee training issues, including:

  1. Accessibility: Employees often struggle to attend in-person training sessions due to time constraints or geographical barriers. An online system allows for 24/7 access, eliminating these obstacles.
  2. Retention: Traditional training sessions can be overwhelming, leading to low retention rates. Online modules can be broken down into manageable segments, making it easier for employees to absorb and retain information.
  3. Engagement: Keeping employees engaged during training is a significant challenge. Interactive elements, such as quizzes and multimedia content, make online training more engaging.
  4. Tracking Progress: Monitoring employee progress in traditional settings can be cumbersome. An LMS provides detailed analytics and reports, helping managers track progress and identify areas needing improvement.

Implementation and Demonstration

To see how seamlessly the Infinit-I Workforce system can be implemented, request a demo today. In just 20 minutes, you will understand why online training is an indispensable tool for addressing employee training issues.

By adopting an online LMS, you ensure continuous development and training for your employees, ultimately leading to a more skilled and competent workforce. This not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall growth and success of your company.


Common employee training issues include lack of engagement, poor retention of information, high costs, and inconsistency in training quality across the organization.

Online training can improve employee training issues by providing convenient access to materials, reducing costs, offering interactive content, and ensuring consistent quality.

Employee engagement is a significant training issue because disengaged employees are less likely to retain information and apply what they’ve learned, reducing the effectiveness of the training program.

Leadership plays a crucial role in addressing employee training issues by actively participating in training programs, setting a positive example, and demonstrating the importance of continuous learning.

Personalized training can address employee training issues by tailoring content to individual needs, ensuring relevance, and making the training more engaging and effective.

An online LMS offers benefits such as convenience, cost-effectiveness, enhanced engagement, consistent quality, and detailed tracking of employee progress.

Tracking progress helps in resolving employee training issues by providing insights into performance, identifying areas where employees struggle, and allowing for timely interventions and adjustments.

To maintain enthusiasm, organizations can offer regular refresher courses, recognize and reward successful application of training, and provide opportunities for continuous learning.

Feedback can improve employee training programs by highlighting what works and what doesn’t, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation to better meet employee needs.

Consistent and ongoing training is important because it helps employees stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards, reinforces learning, and ensures continuous skill development.

Cost-related employee training issues include the expenses associated with training materials, time required for training sessions, and the potential loss of productivity during training.

Organizations can reduce training costs by implementing online training programs, which lower overhead costs, reduce scheduling conflicts, and provide flexible learning options.

Irrelevant training can lead to disengagement, wasted time, and a lack of retention, exacerbating employee training issues and reducing the overall effectiveness of the training program.

Practical application helps resolve employee training issues by reinforcing theoretical knowledge through hands-on experience, making the training more relevant and memorable.

Involving employees in the training process ensures that the content is relevant to their needs, increases engagement, and fosters a sense of ownership and motivation to learn.

An online LMS helps with tracking and measuring effectiveness by providing detailed analytics, monitoring participation and completion rates, and allowing for continuous improvement based on data-driven insights.