5 Reasons Microlearning Videos are essential for Online Truck Driver Training

5 Reasons Microlearning Videos are essential for Online Truck Driver Training
  1. Short Videos Work: Microlearning, by breaking down content into bite-size pieces, increases employee engagement, promotes information retention, and enhances productivity.
  2. Long Videos or Meetings Aren’t Effective: Microlearning, breaking down training content into small chunks, enhances learning efficiency and effectiveness, improves information retention, and boosts productivity.
  3. Video Works for Training: Online video training, especially microlearning, is an effective method for corporate training that can increase employee engagement, promote internal growth, and improve employee retention.
  4. Everyone Has Access to Devices: Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provides a convenient, cost-effective driver training platform compatible with all devices, offering increased accessibility, ease of use, and flexible learning.
  5. Drivers are Mobile; Training Should be Too: The future of driver training is flexible, efficient, and customizable online systems, such as the Infinit-I Workforce system, that cater to the mobile lifestyle of today’s drivers.

Make Training Easier: Infinit-I Workforce is a microlearning system designed for the trucking industry, providing flexible, personalized, and engaging training content that improves Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores and offers significant cost and time savings.

The Advantages of Switching to Microlearning for Safety Training

As a safety manager, do you ever feel overwhelmed coordinating safety meetings? From ensuring your training materials are correct to coordinating driver schedules and ensuring proper documentation, the task can be difficult.

This coordination is not only hard work, but it also takes time away from other business-critical needs. There is a better way though. Online training using microlearning courses eliminates many of the headaches safety managers can experience coordinating safety meetings.

Many companies have found switching to online training is better for them. It eliminates the need to track down drivers who missed an in-person safety meeting and is a method many drivers prefer over traditional training.

“Instead of having to pull drivers off the road for routine safety talks, they can receive updates on both timely topics like CSA BASICS, FMCSA, and PHMSA, and relevant topics like OSHA, either from their home-based computers or from laptops with internet connectivity.

Not only have the training programs been well received by our drivers, they have also helped increase productivity and equipment utilization, allowing the drivers to spend more time on the road and less time in the classroom.”

Microlearning is an effective and efficient method of training that is gaining significant traction in the e-learning world. This innovative approach to learning breaks down training content into small, easily digestible chunks, making it easier for learners to retain information. Its benefits extend beyond just the convenience for the learner. Companies also reap tangible benefits in the form of increased productivity and reduced errors, directly impacting profitability.

In the traditional learning set-up, employees typically have only about 1% of their workweek to dedicate to training – just about 24 minutes per week. However, research shows that up to 58% of employees would prefer to engage with online learning tools if the content was shorter and more manageable. This is where microlearning proves its effectiveness.

Key features of microlearning include:

  1. Brevity: The essence of microlearning is breaking down complex content into bite-sized pieces. This makes the content easier to understand and remember.
  2. Flexibility: Microlearning offers the advantage of learning at one’s own pace and schedule. This is particularly beneficial for busy employees who may not have large blocks of time to dedicate to training.
  3. Efficiency: With microlearning, the use of time is more effective. Instead of spending hours in a training session, employees can engage with content in short bursts throughout the day.
  4. Increased Retention: Focusing on one concept at a time leads to higher retention of information. This is especially true when information is presented in a varied and engaging manner, such as through short videos.

Incorporating microlearning into your training strategy can have a profound impact on your organization. It enhances employee engagement with training material, boosts information retention, and leads to higher productivity levels.

For safety managers, for instance, coordinating safety meetings can be a daunting task. From ensuring the accuracy of training materials to coordinating driver schedules and ensuring proper documentation, the task can be overwhelming. However, online training using microlearning courses can mitigate many of these challenges.

Companies that have switched to online training have found it to be more effective. It eliminates the need to track down employees who missed an in-person safety meeting and is a method many employees prefer over traditional training.

Through online training, employees can receive updates on timely and relevant topics from their home-based computers or laptops with internet connectivity. As a result, training programs have not only been well received by employees, but they have also helped increase productivity and equipment utilization. This allows employees to spend more time on their jobs and less time in the classroom.

In conclusion, with its proven benefits, microlearning is indeed a big deal in the e-learning world. It is essential for any organization looking to improve their training effectiveness and efficiency, enhance information retention, and boost productivity.

Douglas R. Carothers, Manager, EH&S Compliance Programs, Action Resources

If you’re not sure about switching to online training, consider five reasons why moving to a learning management system like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions is beneficial for your business.

5 Essentials of Microlearning

1. Short Videos Work!

Microlearning, a method that breaks down training content into small, easily digestible chunks, is revolutionizing the e-learning world. This innovative approach is highly effective due to its emphasis on delivering concise, focused information which greatly aids information retention.

Studies indicate that up to 58% of employees would engage more with online learning tools if the content was shorter and more manageable. This preference is understandable considering that employees typically have just 1% of their work week, around 24 minutes, to dedicate to training.

The key benefits of microlearning include:

  1. Brevity: Complex content is simplified into bite-sized pieces, enhancing understanding and recall.
  2. Flexibility: Learners can consume content at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is ideal for busy employees.
  3. Efficiency: Microlearning enables a more effective use of time. Employees can engage with content in short bursts throughout the day rather than spending hours in a single training session.
  4. Increased Retention: By focusing on one concept at a time, learners are more likely to retain information. This is particularly effective when the information is presented in a varied and engaging manner, such as through short videos.

Incorporating microlearning into your training strategy can significantly increase employee engagement with training material, promote information retention, and boost productivity levels. Given these substantial benefits, it’s clear why microlearning is taking the e-learning world by storm.

2. Long Videos or Meetings Aren’t Effective

Our lives are full of distractions and attention spans continue to decline. According to a Microsoft study, the average attention span to keep someone’s attention is eight seconds.

While eight seconds is not enough to absorb any meaningful training, this shows that short, engaging content will better reach employees and be more effective. Research shows the best length for an e-learning video is 5 to 8 minutes.

Microlearning: A New Era in E-Learning

In today’s digital age, the way people learn and absorb information is rapidly changing. Traditional training methods are giving way to new, innovative learning techniques. One such technique is microlearning – a learning approach that breaks down training content into small, easily digestible chunks. Microlearning is gaining significant traction in the e-learning world due to its efficacy and efficiency.

The Power of Brevity

Microlearning stands out because of its focus on delivering concise information that is easy to retain. It’s not just about shrinking content, but about delivering the most important information in the most effective way. This method allows for a more focused and targeted approach to learning, ensuring that the learner is not overwhelmed with information.

Flexibility and Efficiency

Microlearning offers learners the flexibility to consume content at their own pace and on their own schedule. This is particularly beneficial for busy employees who may not have large blocks of time to dedicate to training. Moreover, microlearning allows for more effective use of time. Instead of spending hours in a training session, employees can engage with content in short bursts throughout the day.

Increased Information Retention

By focusing on one concept at a time, learners are more likely to retain information. This is especially true when information is presented in a varied and engaging manner, such as through short videos.

The Role of Research in Microlearning

Research backs up the effectiveness of microlearning. Studies have shown that as much as 58% of employees would prefer to engage with online learning tools if the content was shorter and more manageable. This is likely because employees often only have about 1% of their work week to dedicate to training. That equates to just 24 minutes per week.

Benefits for Companies

The benefits of microlearning extend beyond just convenience for the learner. Companies also see tangible benefits in the form of increased productivity, which directly impacts profitability. When employees can better retain important information, such as safety procedures, they are less likely to make mistakes or have accidents, leading to a smoother, more efficient operation.

Implementation of Microlearning

Implementing microlearning into your training strategy can have a profound impact on your organization. It can increase employee engagement with training material, improve information retention, and lead to higher productivity levels.

Case Study: Microlearning for Driver Training

For safety managers, coordinating safety meetings can be a daunting task. However, online training using microlearning courses can mitigate many of these challenges. Companies that have switched to online training have found it to be more effective. It eliminates the need to track down employees who missed an in-person safety meeting and is a method many employees prefer over traditional training.

Through online training, employees can receive updates on timely and relevant topics from their home-based computers or laptops with internet connectivity. As a result, training programs have not only been well received by employees, but they have also helped increase productivity and equipment utilization.

In conclusion, with its proven benefits, microlearning is indeed a big deal in the e-learning world. It is essential for any organization looking to improve their training effectiveness and efficiency, enhance information retention, and boost productivity.

3. Video Works for Training

For those who grew up before the internet age, it may seem ridiculous to hear that online training can be as good as, or better than, in-person training meetings. Studies have shown time and again that online video training works though, sometimes even better than traditional training.

Companies that use online training, especially microlearning, are more likely to achieve organization goals. They are more likely to have engaged employees, better able to fill key positions internally, and have better employee retention. This means less disruption to company productivity.

Online Video Training: A Comprehensive Overview

Online video training, once a mere concept, has now become a pivotal tool in the world of corporate training. For anyone who grew up before the age of the internet, the idea of virtual training may seem far-fetched, yet studies have consistently demonstrated that online video training can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional in-person training sessions.

The Effectiveness of Online Video Training

The effectiveness of online video training lies in its ability to provide a visual and auditory learning experience that can often be more engaging and memorable than text-based materials. Research has shown that the use of video in training can improve comprehension and retention of information, providing a more impactful learning experience for the user.

Microlearning: A Key Component

A key component of online video training is microlearning, a learning strategy that breaks down complex information into bite-sized pieces. Studies have shown that this approach can enhance the learning process, making it easier for the user to absorb and retain information. Microlearning can be particularly effective in online video training, where information can be presented in short, easily digestible video segments.

The Benefits of Online Video Training for Companies

Companies that utilize online video training, particularly those that incorporate microlearning, are more likely to achieve their organizational goals. Here’s why:

  1. Increased Engagement: Online video training can be more engaging than traditional training methods, which can lead to higher levels of employee engagement. This can result in a more motivated and productive workforce.
  2. Internal Promotion: Online training can provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to advance within the company, thereby increasing the chances of filling key positions internally.
  3. Improved Employee Retention: Providing employees with opportunities for professional growth through online training can lead to increased job satisfaction and loyalty, thereby reducing employee turnover.

Online video training presents a plethora of benefits for both individuals and organizations. It’s a modern, flexible solution that can cater to the diverse learning needs of today’s workforce, and its effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous studies, is indisputable. With the ability to engage learners, promote internal growth, and improve employee retention, it’s no wonder that more and more companies are opting for this training method.

4. Everyone Has Access to Devices

According to the Pew Research Center, 97% of all Americans own a mobile phone, and 85% own a smartphone. This means it’s likely that all your drivers have access to a smartphone or tablet so they can complete training when it’s convenient for them.

Using a platform like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions enables your drivers to learn anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection. Designed to be compatible with all devices, the Infinit-I system eliminates the need for specialized technology or software. This ensures that all drivers, regardless of the device they own, can equally benefit from the training materials available on the platform.

To facilitate easier and quicker access, the Infinit-I system also provides an app that drivers can download Apple App or Android App onto their smartphones or tablets. This app not only streamlines the learning process but also allows drivers to have all the necessary resources at their fingertips.

The key benefits of using a platform like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions for driver training include:

  1. Increased Accessibility: Drivers are not restricted by location or time. They can access the training materials wherever they are and whenever they want, making the learning process more convenient and less disruptive to their daily routines.
  2. Device Compatibility: The Infinit-I system is designed to be compatible with every device – from smartphones and tablets to laptops and desktop computers.
  3. Ease of Use: The Infinit-I app further simplifies the learning process. By downloading the app, drivers can access the training materials more quickly and efficiently, saving them time and effort.
  4. Flexible Learning: The ability to learn at one’s own pace is another significant advantage of the Infinit-I system. It allows drivers to revisit the training materials as many times as needed, enhancing their understanding and retention of the information.
  5. Cost-Effective Solution: By leveraging existing technology (i.e., drivers’ own devices), the Infinit-I system provides a cost-effective solution for driver training. It eliminates the need for physical learning materials or specialized training devices, reducing the overall cost of training.

5. Drivers are Mobile; Training Should be Too

When your drivers aren’t on the road, you’re losing money. Taking drivers off the road for training meetings is counterproductive and an inefficient use of resources. Providing microlearning training videos drivers can use to meet their training requirements makes life easier for drivers and safety managers.

One client, Jay Winegardner, CEO of Truck One, said training his team is easy with the Infinit-I Workforce system. Winegardner said even his older truck drivers had very little trouble adapting to the online learning format. He said the vast 850+ video library allows him to customize the training into a perfect fit for his drivers.

Winegardner also said the Infinit-I system is the easiest way to consistently communicate with his drivers. The system’s process for adding user-created content is simple, even for the most computer-averse executive.

The main theme in this section is the mobility of drivers and the importance of matching their training to this lifestyle. The traditional model of pulling drivers off the road for training sessions is not only counterproductive but is also an inefficient use of resources. A more modern and efficient approach is to provide microlearning training videos that drivers can access and use to meet their training requirements.

This approach has several benefits:

  1. Flexibility: Drivers can access the training materials whenever they are off the road. This could be during their rest breaks, or at the end of their driving shift. This means that they can manage their training around their work schedule, rather than having to take time off work.
  2. Efficiency: Microlearning is a more efficient way of learning. It involves breaking down information into small, manageable chunks that are easier to absorb and remember. This is especially beneficial for drivers who may not have a lot of time to devote to training.
  3. Customization: The vast library of over 850 videos allows for a high degree of customization. This means that each driver can have a training program that is tailored to their specific needs.

One example of a company that has successfully implemented this approach is Truck One. The CEO of the company, Jay Winegardner, has praised the Infinit-I Workforce system for making it easy to train his team. He reports that even his older truck drivers, who may not be as comfortable with technology, had very little trouble adapting to the online learning format.

Winegardner also highlights the following benefits of using the Infinit-I system:

  • The system has a user-friendly process for adding user-created content. This is useful for companies that want to include their own training materials in the system.
  • It is an effective communication tool. The system makes it easy to consistently communicate with drivers, even when they are on the road.

The traditional model of driver training has become outdated and inefficient. The future of driver training lies in online, mobile-friendly solutions like the Infinit-I Workforce system. These systems provide a flexible, efficient, and customizable solution that meets the needs of today’s mobile drivers.

Microlearning Essentials

Make Training Easier

If you are in the trucking industry and aren’t using a microlearning online training program, you are wasting time and money. Learning management systems, like Infinit-I Workforce, eliminate or reduce the need to coordinate in-person training meetings and streamline documentation so management’s life is easier.

Add to this the ability to improve CSA cores and insurability, which are consequences of using our training system, and it’s easy to see why Infinit-I is the #1 training system in the trucking industry. If you haven’t seen the Infinit-I system in action, schedule a demo today. You can see firsthand how our system can change the way you think about training.

The trucking industry is a critical sector that requires continuous training and development of its workforce. Unfortunately, traditional training methods are often time-consuming, costly, and inefficient. A solution is microlearning, which involves breaking down training content into small, manageable chunks that can be learned and applied quickly. This approach can transform the way training is conducted in the trucking industry, leading to significant savings in time and money.

One such microlearning solution is Infinit-I Workforce, a learning management system (LMS) designed specifically for the trucking industry. This system greatly reduces the need to coordinate in-person training meetings, which can be logistically challenging and expensive. Instead, employees can access the training content online at their convenience.

Moreover, Infinit-I Workforce streamlines documentation, making life easier for management. All training records are stored digitally and can be accessed easily, reducing the need for physical storage and manual record-keeping. This feature not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of losing or misplacing important documents.

Another major benefit of using Infinit-I Workforce is the potential to improve Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores. CSA scores are a measure of a trucking company’s safety performance, and they can significantly impact a company’s insurability. Therefore, improving CSA scores is a key objective for any trucking company. By providing comprehensive and effective training, Infinit-I Workforce can help companies achieve this goal.

As a result of these benefits, Infinit-I Workforce has become the leading training system in the trucking industry. However, to fully appreciate the system’s capabilities, it is recommended to schedule a demo. This will allow you to see firsthand how the system works and how it can change the way you think about training.

In addition to the above, it’s worth noting some of the microlearning features of Infinit-I, which include:

  1. Bite-sized learning: Training content is broken down into small, manageable chunks, making it easier for learners to absorb and retain information.
  2. Flexibility: Learners can access the training content whenever and wherever they want, allowing them to learn at their own pace.
  3. Personalization: The training content can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each learner, enhancing the learning experience.
  4. Engaging content: The use of multimedia (e.g., videos, images, quizzes) makes the training content more engaging and interactive, increasing learner motivation and participation.
  5. Immediate feedback: Learners receive immediate feedback on their performance, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and apply what they’ve learned right away.

In conclusion, the use of microlearning through Infinit-I Workforce can revolutionize the way training is conducted in the trucking industry, leading to significant benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and improvement in CSA scores. Therefore, it is worth considering this approach to training for anyone in the trucking industry.

Learn more about Infinit-I’s Microlearning Features.


Microlearning involves breaking down complex content into bite-sized pieces, making it easier for employees to understand and remember.

Microlearning can lead to increased employee engagement, improved information retention, and higher productivity levels.

Microlearning allows for more effective use of time. Instead of spending hours in a training session, employees can engage with content in short bursts throughout the day.

Research shows that as much as 58% of employees prefer to engage with online learning tools if the content was shorter and more manageable.

It can increase employee engagement with training material, improve information retention, and lead to higher productivity levels.

Microlearning allows drivers to consume content at their own pace and on their own schedule. This is particularly beneficial for busy drivers who may not have large blocks of time to dedicate to training.

By focusing on one concept at a time, learners are more likely to retain information. This is especially true when information is presented in a varied and engaging manner, such as through short videos.

Studies have shown that online video training can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional in-person training sessions.

Microlearning can enhance the learning process in online video training by making it easier for the user to absorb and retain information.

Companies that utilize online video training are more likely to achieve their organizational goals. This includes increased employee engagement, the ability to fill key positions internally, and improved employee retention.

Almost all drivers have access to a mobile device and can therefore complete their training at a time and place that is convenient for them.

Infinit-I Workforce Solutions offers drivers the chance to learn anytime, anywhere, and on any device with an internet connection. It is designed to be compatible with all devices, ensuring that all drivers can benefit from the training materials.

Comprehensive and effective online training can help improve Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores by providing drivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their jobs safely and efficiently.

Infinit-I offers bite-sized learning, flexibility in learning, personalization of content, engaging multimedia content, and immediate performance feedback.

The use of microlearning can revolutionize the way training is conducted in the trucking industry, leading to significant benefits in terms of cost savings, efficiency, and improvement in CSA scores.

Safety managers can implement microlearning by incorporating it into their online training platforms, breaking down complex information into small, easily digestible chunks, and allowing drivers to access the content at their own pace and on their own schedule.

Microlearning, the method of breaking down training content into small, easily digestible chunks, is effective for several reasons:

  1. Shortness: It simplifies complex content into bite-sized pieces, enhancing understanding and retention.
  2. Flexibility: Learners can consume content at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is ideal for busy employees.
  3. Efficiency: It enables a more effective use of time. Employees can engage with content in short bursts throughout the day rather than spending hours in a single training session.
  4. Increased Retention: By focusing on one concept at a time, learners are more likely to retain information. This is particularly effective when the information is presented in an engaging manner, such as through short videos.
  5. Accessibility: With platforms like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions, learners can access training materials anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection.
  6. Cost-Effectiveness: By leveraging existing technology (i.e., learners’ own devices), platforms like Infinit-I Workforce Solutions provide a cost-effective solution for training.

Studies show that up to 58% of employees would engage more with online learning tools if the content was shorter and more manageable. Microlearning can significantly increase employee engagement with training material, promote information retention, and boost productivity levels.

Microlearning can be created by breaking down complex training content into small, easily digestible chunks. These chunks should focus on one concept at a time, which enhances understanding and information retention. The content should be short, engaging, and presented in an interactive manner, such as through videos. Additionally, it should be designed in a way that allows learners to consume the content at their own pace and on their own schedule. Effective microlearning leverages existing technology, ensuring that learners can access training materials anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection.

To create microlearning videos, you need to break down complex training content into small, easily digestible chunks. Each piece of content should focus on one concept at a time, which can enhance understanding and retention of information. The content should be short, engaging, and should ideally be presented in an interactive manner such as through videos. The design should allow learners to consume the content at their own pace and on their own schedule. Leverage existing technology to ensure that learners can access the training materials anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection.

You can also create microlearning videos using free software available online. Tools such as DaVinci Resolve, iMovie, and CapCut offer easy-to-use interfaces that allow you to edit and create high-quality videos. Each of these tools provides a variety of features that can help you to present your content in a compelling and engaging way. Even PowerPoint can be used to create video content by adding animations and transitions to your slides, then saving the presentation as a video file. These tools not only make video creation accessible to everyone but also offer cost-effective solutions for your training needs.