Accident Prevention Training and Legal Defense

3 Dynamic Tools To Protect Your Company

Accident Prevention Training and Legal Defense

Protecting Your Business from Legal Risks in the Trucking Industry

We live in one of the most litigious countries in the world. Ambulance chasers and “get rich quick” lawyers target professional drivers every day. They’ve built an undeserved narrative about evil trucking companies and careless drivers that has stuck. 

According to the ATA, 80% of accidents are caused by the general motoring public, yet 70% of court cases find professional drivers and trucking companies at fault. 

Today, “innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply to trucking in the court of public opinion (unless we enter another toilet paper crisis). 

With insurance companies quick to settle after incidents, you don’t just have to worry about nuclear verdicts, you also have to plan for nuclear settlements that will destroy your bottom-line. 

If you think “it’ll never happen to me,” you’re exposing your business—your livelihood—to unnecessary risk. 

Take control. You CAN take steps now that will both reduce accidents AND protect you when the worst happens.  

It starts with proactive training, buttoned-up and enforced policies, and prepared drivers who know what to do and what evidence to collect in the event of an incident. 

Here’s how we can help…