Cody Dampier Director of Safety

What is your name, title and location?  

My name is Cody Dampier, I’m the director of safety. I’m based out of Georgetown, KY.

How did you guys train before using Infinit-I?

So before Infinit-I, it was, you know, a lot of stuff was strike through spreadsheets, different things like that. Well, what happens is you don’t have that documentation to show that you’ve trained or coached your driver or an employee. So Infinit-I has really helped document that stuff and keep everything nice and organized.

What departments are you using the platform for?

It’s really across the board. I mean, we use it mainly in safety, but there’s some HR content in there, stuff for operations, really, it kind of captures everything across the platform. So it’s pretty beneficial there.

Do you all have multiple locations?

We do have multiple locations. We have about 11 different terminals. They all kind of operate individually, so it’s really nice whenever we can set the group admin there and they can really control each division for us.

What is your favorite part about the platform?

My favorite part about the platform is just how easy it is to access.

What is your favorite part about the platform?  

My favorite part is that this training is way easier, so I have a lot less griping from drivers. You can literally go in there and set up remedial and training with just a few clicks, you know, 15 seconds, you can roll out an accident template or training on hours of service. It’s very user friendly and easy to use.

What would you say to someone that is considering using Infini-I?

I would highly encourage them to use it and it’s just because we’ve seen great improvements by using it. As I said before, it’s a great way to track that training, especially with the certificates, you can drop it in their profile. It makes things a lot easier to track.

~ Cody Dampier
Director of Safety