Gary Hahn with Gray Trucking Review

What’s your name and who are you with? 

My name is Gary Hahn and I’m with Gray Trucking out of Beverly, NJ. 

What is your favorite thing about The Infinit-I Workforce Platform? 

I like the open forum discussion. You know, people throwing out the ideas out there and finding out what other people do within their companies. 

What is your favorite thing about Vertical Alliance Group the company? 

Availability really. Anytime I need a hand, I can call up Kimberly Moore and she’s always there for me and we get things done rather quickly. 

What is your most important take away from The Partner Roundtable? 

I have to say that the litigation is always an eye opener. You know it’s constantly changing and got to stay on top of it. 

If someone was on the fence about attending The Partner Roundtable, what would you tell them? 

I tell them that they absolutely should try it out at least once. I think that it’s very informative and it’s very necessary in today’s world. 

~Gary Hahn
Director of Safety and Compliance
Gray Trucking