Jennifer Carrol HR Director O’Connor Distribution

What is your name, job title and company?  

My name is Jennifer Carrol, I’m with O’Connor Distributing our of Little Rock, AR. We’re a beer distributor and I’m the HR director there.  

What is your favorite thing about the Infinit-I Platform? 

I like that it is very user-friendly and even our employees have not had any issues navigating the system answering the questions. So I really like that aspect of it. I’ve been in other training systems are a little bit more cumbersome and not as user friendly.  

There are so many ways to use the training and tons of different topics that we cover. What is next for your company? 

So being new to the company and we have currently been using it for our OSHA compliance and any type of injuries that we’ve had. We’ve sent individual videos to retrain the employee on that issue or incident. I plan to use it to highlight our handbook, to highlight our employee policies, to highlight our benefits that we have. We’re a self-insured company and I want the employees to be able to get all the benefits that we offer to them and to take full use of them.

What would you say to someone that’s considering using the platform?  

I would say that I have enjoyed the customer service the most. We have had multiple people reach out and ask how things are going in the system. I enjoy the fact that they will help us find the content that we’re looking for because you have such an extensive catalog of content that it is a little overwhelming when you’re first looking at it, but the fact that our customer service Rep will help us look for that help us decide that. I think that’s amazing. And I also love the fact that we can put our own custom content out there. And so our insurance company is going to provide items to us. So that’s extremely nice to be able to add a little customization to it as well. 

And if someone was on the fence about coming to Boot Camp what would you tell them? 

I would tell them to come. It was really great having the interaction with other people within the industry, listening to how they intend to use it or questions that they may have had and actually understanding what they’ve been going through and the problems that they’ve had and how Infinit-I is actually going to solve those problems for them. 

Perfect. Well, thank you so much. We enjoyed having you at Boot Camp.  

It’s been a wonderful. 

Thank you so much.  

Thank you. 

 ~ Jennifer Carrol
HR Director
O’Connor Distribution